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李 蓓









Email: libei@whut.edu.cn



(1) 2011.01‒ 2015.06,南洋理工大学,机械与航空学院,工程力学,博士;

(2) 2007.09‒ 2009.06,华中科技大学,材料科学与工程学院,材料加工工程,硕士;

(3) 2003.09‒ 2007.06,华中科技大学,材料科学与工程学院,材料成型及控制工程,学士;


(1) 2015.12至今,武汉理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,材料成型与加工,副教授;

(2) 2019.10‒ 2020.08, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学,地球与矿产科学学院,访问学者,合作导师:陈龙庆教授;

(3) 2015.06‒ 2015.12,新加坡科技研究局,高性能计算研究所,工程力学部,研究员;

(4) 2010.04‒ 2011.01,南洋理工大学,机械与航空学院,工程力学,研究助理;


(1) 获2023年国际先进材料学会科学家提名奖

(2) 获2020年国际先进材料学会会士提名


(1) 2021.01 2022.12,,华中科技大学材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室开放基金,仿生梯度纳米复合功能涂层材料协同增强增韧机理研究;

(2) 2019.06 2020.05,ESI学科水平提升计划项目面上项目,材料基因工程

(3)  2018.01 2020.01,新加坡国家增材制造基金,激光金属沉积(LMD)工艺数值模拟(Numerical simulation of laser metal deposition (LMD) process);

(4) 2017.01 2019.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金,纳米级润滑膜在移动激光辐射下的热损耗行为计算研究;

(5) 2017.01 2018.12,华中科技大学材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室开放基金,基于分子动力学模拟的纳米润滑剂性能研究;

(6) 2017.01 2018.10,自主创新基金自由探索研究项目,纳米颗粒对牙科复合树脂材料的性能影响研究;

(7) 2017.01 2018.10,自主创新基金自由探索研究项目,基于机器学习的钙钛矿材料光催化性能研究;

(8) 2016.06 2017.05,校ESI学科水平提升计划项目面上项目;

(9) 2016.01 2017.12,新教师自主创新研究基金,磁盘润滑膜全氟聚醚在激光加热下的热损耗行为研究。



[1] Q.Q. Tan, B. Li*, Z.Z. Wang, Q.B. Chen*, Investigation of physio-mechanical properties of cross-linked Bis-GMA/TEGDMA dental resins: A molecular dynamics study, Materials Today Communications, 35, 105926, 2023.

[2] F.L. Zeng, M.J. Chen, H.B. Wang, H.X. Peng, B. Li*, J. Huang*, First-principles investigation on phase stability, mechanical properties, electronic structure and slip properties of Ti-Co binary intermetallic compounds, Metals, 13, 628, 2023.

[3] Y.J. Su#, W.X. Li#, X.X. Cheng#, Y.H. Zhou#, S. Yang, X. Zhang, C.X. Chen, T.N. Yang*, H. Pan, G.Z. Xie, G.R. Chen, X. Zhao, X. Xiao, B. Li*, H.L. Tai, Y.D. Jiang, L.-Q. Chen, F. Li*, J. Chen*, High-performance piezoelectric composites via beta phase programming, Nature Communications, 13, 4867, 2022.

[4] H. Zhao, J. Liu, C.F. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Li*, Z.Y. Hu, B. Li*, Z.X. Chen, J.G. Hu*, B.L. Su*, Meso-microporous nanosheet-constructed 3DOM perovskites for remarkable photocatalytic hydrogen production, Advanced Functional Materials, 2112831, 2022.

[5] B. Li*, K.X. Li, Droplet wettability and repellency on fluorinated lubricant-infused surfaces: A molecular dynamics study, Applied Surface Science, 598, 153782, 2022.

[6] B. Li*, L.L. Tian, L. Pan, J.J. Li, Molecular dynamics investigation of structural and mechanical properties of silica nanorod reinforced dental resin composites, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 124, 104830, 2021.

[7] B. Li*, L. Pan, C.A. Liu, X. Zhang, Molecular dynamics investigation of structure evolution and thermodynamics of Ni–Fe nanoparticles during inert gas condensation, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 27, 288, 2021.

[8] M.T. Tian, B. Li*, L. Shen*, Hierarchical self-assembly mechanism of ladder-like orientated Aβ40 single-stranded protofibrils into multistranded mature fibrils, ACS Macro Letters, 9, 1759, 2020.

[9] B. Li*, R. Zheng, X. Zhang, G.H. Zhao, and H.X. Liu*, Molecular dynamics simulation of inert gas condensation of ternary Fe-Ni-Cr nanoparticles, Computational Materials Science, 177, 109579, 2020.

[10] B. Li*, A.Q. Lei, Q.B. Chen*, Chee How Wong, Laser-induced depletion of ultrathin PFPE lubricants using a quantitative coarse-grained model, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 26, 115, 2020.

[11] Z.Z. Wang*, K. Wang, D.S. Liang, L.H. Yan, K. Ni, H.B. Huang*, B. Li, Z.W. Guo, J.S. Wang, X.Q. Ma, X.H. Tang, L.-Q. Chen*, Hybrid magnetic micropillar arrays for programmable actuation, Advanced Materials, 32, 2001879, 2020.

[12] X. Zhang, B. Li*, H.X. Liu, G.H. Zhao, Q.L. Yang, X.M. Cheng, C.H. Wong*, Y.M. Zhang, C.W.J. Lim, Atomic simulation of melting and surface segregation of ternary Fe-Ni-Cr nanoparticles, Applied Surface Science, 465, 871, 2019.

[13] B. Li*, S.B. Hong, X. Zhang, C.X. Xiong, G.H. Zhao, Q.L. Yang*, H.X. Liu*, Understanding interfacial mechanics and mechanisms of exfoliation and stabilization of graphene using urea/glycerol solvents, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2, 1900155, 2019.

[14] G. Chen, A.N. Li, H.X. Liu, S.Y. Huang, Z.Q. Zhang, W. Liu, C. Zha, B. Li*, Z.Z. Wang*, Mechanical and dynamic properties of resin blend and composite systems: A molecular dynamics study, Composite Structures, 190, 160-168, 2018.

[15] B. Li, Q.B. Chen*, S.Y. Huang, H.X. Liu, Developing structure and thermodynamic properties-consistent coarse-grained model for random copolymer systems, Polymer, 123, 107-120, 2017.


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